Xmllite Dll Windows Vista

I got a problem with starting up my computer. I had an application crash last night and when the computer rebooted it gave me an error message. Unwritten law album blogspot app. It's typed in norwegian but it basicly says: C:Windowssystem32xmllite.dll is either not saved to run underWindows, or contains Errors. The background behind is all black and i can't open anything.

Xmllite Dll Windows Vista 10
Neither can i open it in Safemode. What am i supposed to do to fix my computer. I've tried to reinstall Windows, but i ended up making 2 Windows hardwares. PS: I gotWindows 7 Home Premium (if that comes in handy) I can't find any category for this issue, just so you know it.Sorry if my English is bad i hope you'll be able to understand it and maybe give some tips how to fix this problem.:)- Kurt98.