Gold Cart Plugin
Tesla Gold Series PluginThe Tesla Gold Series Plugin is recommended for many homes and small offices where exposure to EMF is moderate to high. One plugin per floor or depending on the area of coverage 45m in every direction.
This model uses very little power and is best plugged into a central location within your home, not the bedroom. A hallway or lounge area would be best. Do not make the mistake of purchasing a portable model to carry around in your home and think you are protected. We recommend you first start with the Plug-in model and use the portable solely for venturing outside the protected (plugin) area. The Plugin offers a stronger and larger area of protection for your home or office than the portable.This new multi-wave scalar waveform configuration offers the best protection to date from radio frequency radiation and 5G.
Golf Cart Plugins

Some people will experience a minor detox while initially using this product, and some will not. This may be due to the release of stress on the body from EMF and also the immune system may normalize. Features:.
Designed protection from Wi-Fi and general EMF. Coverage 45m in every direction. Black ABS case.

Size 90mm x 30mm x 40mm. Weight 75g. Uses multiple scalar waveform outputs.
Great for homes and offices. Helps maintain a level of alertness. Promotes emotional stability. Enables restful sleep. Easy to install comes in 4 plug types.
Golf Carts For Sale
Integration with 14 payment gateways.