Calculator Program In Vb

Well, in my opinion you're doing it wrong way.As to the body of function.From programming practice perspective, function should be as much universal as possible. There are few things you have missed- The function should have a return type- Instead of checking the parameter you call the Calculator function recursively in the case structureTry something like the followingPublic Function Calculator( ByVal strMod As String) As Single Dim Num1 As Integer = TextBox1.TextDim Num2 As Integer = TextBox2.TextDim Num3 As Single = TextBox3.TextSelect Case strModCase ' Add'Num3 = Num1 + Num2Case ' Sub'Num3 = Num1 - Num2End Select Return Num3End FunctionAlso note:- not sure why you assign a value to num3 from the textbox3. Should you do it the other way around if Textbox3 is for the result- Instead of passing a string for the operation I'd suggest using enumeration. See - and it would probably be more elegant if you would pass num1 and num2 as parameters to the function. This way the function wouldn't depend on the user interface objects and could be used for different kinds of objects and situations.ADDEDFor assigning the value to TextBox3Public Sub OutputClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickTextBox3.Text = Calculator( ' Sub')End SubAlso get familiar with debugging the program. For example go through. When answering a question please:.
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Calculator Program In Vb6.0
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Memory:2 GB RAM. Splinter cell blacklist system requirements. Processor:2.53 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo E6400 or 2.80 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5600+ or better.