Mcse Notes Server 2008 Pdf

New Features in Windows Server 2008It would be stating the obvious to say that the MCITP is harder than theMCSE; it is by a long shot. But what I found when I upgraded is that itis deceptively so. Here are the major changes in Windows Server 2008that will help you focus on the MCITP exams. Although this is not anall-inclusive list, this should help you concentrate on the majorchanges that will take up most of your time studying.Looking back on the MCITP Enterprise Administrator Cert, I can’t helpbut think about the differences between when I got my MCSE 2000, itsupgrade to the MCSE 2003, and then the most recent upgrade, the MCITPEnterprise Admin Certification.

Compared to MCITP, the MCSE was acakewalk.Booting up Windows Server 2008, once you make your way through theServer Manager, going to the Administrative Tools menu, you think toyourself, “Ah, they really didn’t change much.” But if you look moreclosely, a lot has changed.Windows Deployment Services and many of its correlative technologiesare included in the exam, like it or not. This is basically Microsoft’sanswer to cloning technologies, such as Symantec’s Ghost or Acronis. Andjust to pre-empt the comments, I’m not saying it’s a good answer.In this blogger’s opinion, the underpinnings of Active Directory have not really changed. What you can dowith AD, however has been drastically changed. AD LDS (formerly knownas ADAM) is now integrated, AD Federation Services is now integrated, aswell as is AD RMS.


Yes, I know those were implemented as add-ons to theWindows Server 2003/2003 R2 products, but those weren’t tested upon somuch in the 2003 strain of products. They are heavily tested on in theMCITP. Also, brand new features or concepts that are AD-related includeWindows Core and Windows RODC’s.

Both heavily tested upon as well.There is a definitive emphasis on Applications knowledge with theMCITP that was not there with Windows Server 2003. This means thatyou’ll need heavy IIS knowledge. This stands to reason, because as aWindows Admin, you will repeatedly (and quite annoyingly) gohead-to-head with IIS very, very often. Implementing Sharepoint? You’ll deal with IIS. Want to be an Exchange Admin?


You’ll dealwith IIS. The company wants to make a web front end for the SQL Databaseinventory of Inflatable Barbecue Pig Gazebos? You guessed it, you’lldeal with IIS. IIS 7, and coming soon IIS 7.5 with the Windows Server2008 R2 release, is a big part of the exam. The interface and how IIS isconfigured has changed tremendously with IIS 7, so you’ll need to spendsome time with it.As a matter of fact, it is safe to say that I think Microsoft istrying to blur the lines between Admin and Developer when it comes toIIS.

There are some pretty significant new directives in the configfiles that are specific to.NET implementations, and it behooves Adminsto learn them. You’ll see this as part of the MCITP Upgrade Exam 70-649or on the 70-643.Network Access Protection (NAP) is a new feature you will need tolearn as well. This is probably going to be your biggest challenge ifyou’ve never dealt with this type of technology before. It’s backedheavily by Microsoft, and now provides a higher level of security forWindows.

If you provide remote access through Windows, you’ll use itbecause it is the replacement for IAS. There are other uses for it aswell, but you will need to use it in order to understand it.Hyper-V. Chalk this one up to the Microsoft Hype Machine.

MS wants to be a player in everythingthe virtualization market, and Hyper-V is the technology that theythink will make them so. Get your hands on this and go over theobjectives.

There are some questions on it.Some of the other items of more minor interest include the newCentralized Event Logging, Performance Monitoring and Reporting,Sharepoint Implementation, High Availability (Clustering), IPv6, andTerminal Services.Overall, I have found that the MCITP is separating the “men from theboys” so to speak. Even my illustrious colleagues who have beenusing/teaching Windows Server 2003 for a very long time really strugglewith Windows Server 2008. Well, the IT field in general is simplybecoming more complex. And second of all, the Microsoft mantra of “allthings to all people” really pushes an immense list of items to study,and those topics include a lot of “under the hood” improvements that canreally cause problems if you don’t know what you’re doing.Here's a hint: start reading RFC's and/or white papers on thetechnologies that are implemented. Too many people just study checkboxes and radio buttons. Don't just study how to configure, study theconsequences of the configuration.Directory ServicesIn addition to the core domainfunction of Active Directory Directory Service, there are roles such as ActiveDirectory Federation Services.

However, perhaps the most eye-catchingrole is that of RODC, Read- OnlyDomain Controller. This option is particularlyuseful for branch offices where there would worries about the physical securityof normal DC.Granular PasswordsThe idea is for a Windows Server 2008 domain to have more complex passwords for the crucial admin accounts,than ordinary user accounts. Thisis tricky to set-up, but it is now possible to assign different OUs differentPassword complexity. The underlying mechanism is to use ASDI to generate yourown Custom Password Policy and link that policy to a particular OU.Group Policy PreferencesW2K3 style Group Policies are great, especially if you want to tattoo settings andenforce a corporate desktop. Windows Server 2008 introduces an additional orparallel idea; you set the initial preference, but allow uses to amend theseless critical settings.InstallationSetup continues the trend to ask for less and less information during install.The tactic in Windows Server 2003 is to get a GUI installed as soon as possible.Even though there is lots of work to do in the Initial Configuration Tasks, atleast you have the mouse and menus from which to choose your options.64bitThe five years between W2K3 and Windows Server 2008 is a relatively long time incomputing.

Mcse Notes Server 2008 Pdf Online

Perhaps the shift from 32bit to 64bit is a good bellwether for thechanges. Back in 2003 many servers were 32bit, whereas forWindows Server 2008 almost all servers will be 64bit.Another trend in the Windows family of servers has been improved scalability,the desire to take on jobs previously associated with main-frame computers. Forthis high-end role, Windows Server 2008 has better support for failoverclustering than W2K3.Next Generation TCP/IP Stack - IPv6 SupportIPv6 is sometimes called IPng (Next Generation), hence the redesigned NextGeneration TCP/IP stack for both IPv4 and IPv6.


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The key performanceimprovement involves sending bigger, compound TCP packets.Just as DNS is geared up to register IPv6, so Windows Server 2008 providessupport for IPv6. NAP benefits.WPF (Windows Filtering Platform) provides a unified well designed packetfiltering platform, which operates at all levels of the famous protocol stack(Transport, Network and Frame).

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