Clipper 5.3 For Windows
My first job in the computer field! I was the install guy for a point of sale/accounting software for specialty gift shops, which was written in Clipper for DOS.

Dymo V8.5.3 For Windows

Had to setup that program on point of sale computers for the front, and in the workstations in the office for the accounting part. They kept using the DOS version til past Win98 days, when I left that company.
When I first got there they were using Artisoft LANtastic for the networking, on coax.Pig of a DOS program, had to learn the art of fine tuning config.sys to get conventional memory up past 600.The owners of the software company used to raise pit of them came to the office every day, sorta the mascot of the office. His name was Clipper.Anyways, I'm not a programmer, I'm a networking guy, but from what I remember in the days before I left that company, the programmers there were having a hard time migrating their program to a native Windows backend.I believe Clipper for DOS remained for DOSand one of the projects designed to migrate it to Windows almost made it.