Sony Ericsson S1 Boot Fastboot Driver

. If necessary, download and install the USB drivers.


If you are running Windows: Download and install the latest. Follow the instructions on the site. If you’re running OSX or Linux: You can skip this step since no additional drivers are required. Download and extract the zip file. Select and download the for your operating system and extract the zip file.Tip: Take note of the installation path, you may need to access specific files later. On your device, turn on USB debugging by going to Settings  Developer options and click to enable USB debugging. If your device is Android Jelly Bean 4.2 or newer: Developer options are hidden by default. Asus europe.

To enable, tap on Settings  About Phone  Build Version multiple times. Then, turn on USB debugging by going to Settings  Developer options. Turn off your device. Connect a USB-cable to your computer. On your device, press the Fastboot key ( Volume up for most devices, see ) at the same time as you connect the other end of the USB-cable. Windows users: Open the Devices and Printers directory, right-click on the fastboot driver and press Update.

Sony S1 Boot Fastboot Driver

Browse and point towards the location of the new androidwinbus.inf file. When your device is connected, open a command window on your computer and go to the platform-tools folder within the Android SDK folder. Enter the following command:fastboot devices. Verify that you get an answer back without any errors.

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