Rapidshare Planetary Duality

Planetary Duality Drum Cam

Anybody else have this album yet? So far i'm totally blown away by it.a HUGE step forward from 'Akeldama'. Much more mature songwriting instead of the catchy 'scene-metal' riffs prevalent on the previous album.
The Faceless Autotheism
Retarded drumming, face-melting solos, and my personal favorite, lovely tech-jazz moments.i hear all sorts of influences in this music - Nile, Necrophagist, Martyr, Frederik Thordendal, and some things i can't really put my finger on yet. The whole album has this really cool SciFi-ish vibe, as evidenced by the cover artwork -.EDIT. here's a link so you can actually HEAR them! -definitely check it out, highly recommended if you're into tech-deathmetal. Click to expand.Thank you very much sir If you'd like a full version of the EP in FLAC or MP3, here are the Rapidshare links - Myspace RUINS the qualityFLAC-MP3-We recorded this last December, over the course of 6 days. I'd been playing drums for a year at that point, and we were thrilled with how it turned out production-wise as it was our first ever attempt at recording anything. We're still trying to write some new stuff, it sounds pretty different from this EP though.
The Faceless
Much less Opeth/PT worship.cheers! Two years backwards I acquired 'Akeldama' due to a recommendation on a metal forum. Ever since I've given it some air time on a frequent basis and looked forward to the follow-up. Now, as it's finally available, I've been practically listening nothing else than this new album along with some 'Akeldama'. Last.fm profile displays 886 plays on The Faceless for the past 7 days. Excellent album, just. Mindblowingly excellent This band is the best 'new' thing I've heard in the metalscene for so many years.
The Faceless are a progressive/technical death metal band from Los Angeles affiliated with the underground metal label Sumerian Records. Formed by guitarist Michael Keene and bassist Brandon Giffin, the band also includes vocalist Jeff Ventimiglia (aka Demon Carcass), guitarist Steve Jones, and drummer Lyle Cooper. In 2006 the band made its full-length album debut on Sumerian Records with Akeldama.
The album's technical style drew comparisons to death metal trailblazer Chuck Schuldiner and his latter-day work in the band Death. Planetary Duality (2008), the follow-up album on Sumerian, was supported with multiple tours, including treks on the road with Meshuggah and the Summer Slaughter Tour. The band endured multiple lineup changes over the next few years, leaving guitarist Michael Keene as the sole founding member. Released in 2012, the well-received Autotheism featured a lineup comprising Keene, Geoff Ficco (vocals), Wes Hauch (guitar), Evan Brewer (bass), and Lyle Cooper (drums), and 2017's In Becoming a Ghost, which featured the single 'Black Star,' was credited to Keene, Ken Sorceron (vocals), Justin McKinney (guitar), and Chason Westmoreland (drums). Jason Birchmeier.