Definition Of Metabolic Syndrome Pdf

  1. Metabolic Syndrome Diet
  2. The Idf Consensus Worldwide Definition Of The Metabolic Syndrome Pdf
  3. Metabolic Syndrome Definition 2014

The first description of patients with clustering of various metabolic abnormalities was as early as 1923 but it was more than five decades later, in 1988, that Reaven coined the term ‘syndrome X’ for this entity. The last two decades have brought forth a number of definitions and criteria to identify this condition. Various studies have demonstrated disparities in these definitions and a few researchers have questioned the utility of these criteria and even the existence of such a syndrome. A few important definitions are reviewed in this paper and, at the end, a simplified clinical definition is given and a simple parameter – lipid accumulation product – is been described that can be used to identify this condition. E UROPEAN G ROUP FOR S TUDY OF I NSULIN R ESISTANCE D EFINITIONThe European Group for Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) proposed a modification of the WHO definition, using the term insulin resistance syndrome rather than MS. According to the EIGR definition the diagnostic criteria included elevated plasma insulin (75 th percentile) plus two other factors from among the following:.Abdominal obesity: waist circumference (WC) ≥94 cm in men and ≥80 cm in women.Hypertension: ≥140/90 mm of Hg or on antihypertensive treatment.Elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dl) and/or reduced HDL-C (.

NCEP ATP III D EFINITIONAccording to this definition, a subject has the MS if he or she has three or more of the following criteria:.Abdominal obesity: WC ≥102 cm in men and ≥88 cm in women.Hypertriglyceridemia: ≥150 mg/dl (1.695 mmol/l).Low HDL-C: 130/85 mmHg.High fasting glucose: 110 mg/dlThis definition differs from the WHO definition on several fronts. The NCEP ATP III did not believe that insulin resistance is mandatory for the development of MS and hence suggested the term MS instead of the previously used term ‘insulin resistance syndrome.’ This definition recognizes central obesity as the culprit and hence body mass index (BMI,) which is a parameter for generalized obesity, has not been included in this definition. Central obesity has been quantified using WC instead of the WHR used by WHO. This definition considers low HDL and high triglycerides as separate components (both of them being individually atherogenic) rather than viewing dyslipidemia as a single component. The cutoff points used for BP and HDL are stringent as compared to those suggested in the WHO definition, but by avoiding the need for clamp techniques and measurement of microalbuminuria, the NCEP ATP III definition is much more practically applicable. The NCEP ATP III considers the proinflamatory state and prothrombotic state as components of MS though these have not been included among the criteria necessary to define MS.

Metabolic Syndrome Diet

A MERICAN A SSOCIATION OF C LINICAL E NDOCRINOLOGISTS D EFINITIONThe American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) too preferred using the term insulin resistance syndrome over MS. The major criteria they considered were IGT, elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL-C, elevated BP, and obesity. They did not specify any particular number of criteria for diagnosis, rather they left it to clinical judgment. They suggested that factors like family history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or type 2 DM, polycystic ovary syndrome, and hyperuricemia be considered while exercising clinical judgement. Patients with type 2 DM were excluded from the definition of insulin resistance syndrome. S IMPLIFIED D EFINITION OF M ETABOLIC S YNDROMEIn view of all the above evidence, we have proposed that WC be replaced by ICO in all definitions of MS.

The Idf Consensus Worldwide Definition Of The Metabolic Syndrome Pdf

With the use of ICO, the need for various race- and gender-specific cutoffs for WC can be obviated. Although a number of studies have proposed ICO cutoffs ranging between 0.45 and 0.55, we propose the use of a simple cutoff of 0.5 across both genders and all races. MS is a screening tool, and we believe that it should be used to identify people at high risk of metabolic complications and cardiovascular disease so that further detailed investigations can be performed. This definition translates into a very simple message to the community ‘If your waist size is more than half of your height, you should consult your doctor.’ Thus, all patients with ICO 0.5 should be evaluated for high blood pressure, prediabetes, and dyslipidemia. L IPID A CCUMULATION P RODUCTIn view of the role of central obesity and dyslipidemia in atherosclerotic process, an alternative continuous index of lipid overaccumulation, the lipid accumulation product (LAP), has been proposed.

Metabolic Syndrome Definition 2014

LAP is computed using WC and fasting triglycerides level (in mmol/l): (WC – 65) × TG (men) and (WC – 58) × TG (women). This parameter has been found to be better than BMI for predicting diabetes and has also been suggested for use in the identification MS. It has been shown to be a good predictor of cardiovascular disease though one study has shown that it may not be better than ICO or WHR for predicting cardiovascular disease. C ONCLUSIONIn spite of the large number of controversies regarding the existence of MS as an entity and the nomenclature to be used, this conglomeration of various metabolic abnormalities has been widely accepted as a screening tool for identifying subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. While the various definitions proposed by different organizations have provided us with remarkable scientific insights into this syndrome, it has also complicated what was supposed to a simple screening tool.

With the ongoing research in the area, we might soon have a very simple clinical definition to identify subjects at high risk of metabolic complications and cardiovascular disease.

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Metabolic syndrome guidelines pdf

These files will have 'PDF' in brackets along with the filesize of the download. To open a PDF file you will need compatible software such as Adobe Reader. If you do not have it you can.DOC Some documents on this site are in Microsoft Word format. These will have 'DOC' in brackets along with the filesize of the download. To view these documents you will need software that can read Microsoft Word format. If you don't have anything you can.MP3 Most web browsers will play the MP3 audio within the browser. I am puzzled at Mark Harris's demographics quoted in Table 2 (Waist Circumference thresholds for Abdominal Obesity).

Given that this is an Australian article, why are the measurements of Indigenous Australians not included? Working as I do in a rural community, it is evident that Aboriginal people have a high rate of abdominal obesity as one of the main factors in the 'gap' that needs to be closed. Not only does the lack of information detract from the statistical analysis, but it also does not provide information for First Australians, in an article of utmost significance to their morbidity and mortality. Opening or saving filesFiles on the website can be opened or downloaded and saved to your computer or device.To open click on the link, your computer or device will try and open the file using compatible software.To save the file right click or option-click the link and choose 'Save As.' Follow the prompts to chose a location. Types of filePDF Most of the documents on the RACGP website are in Portable Document Format (PDF).

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